SS George Anson
1948Built as the “NEWFOUNDLAND” by Vickers Armstrong, Newcastle for Johnston Warren Lines Ltd (Furness, Withy & Co Ltd), Liverpool.
1962October – Aquired by the Dominion Navigation Co Ltd (HC Sleigh Ltd), Liverpool and renamed GEORGE ANSON. Placed upon the Australia Japan service. Given yellow funnel of H C Sleigh. Both sisterships were later sent to Barclay Curle Shipyards in Glasgow to be partially rebuilt and fully refitted. The superstructure was extended forward and all cabins were extensively remodelled. In addition full air-conditioning was installed for operations in warmer climate, and a pool was installed aft on Promenade Deck. 130 all First Class accommodation. Sistership ‘NOVA SCOTIA’, renamed Francis Drake
1965Transferred ownership to the Dominion Far East Line, a joint venture between H C Sleigh and Jardine Matheson, and given the red and black Indo-China funnel synominous to Jardine.
1971February 15th – Arrived at Kaohsiung for breaking up

Route: 1963-1965/1966-1971. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Townsville (optional), Cairns (optional), Manila, Hong Kong, Keelung, Kobe, Yokohama, Guam, Rabaul, Sydney, Melbourne.
Alternative route: September 1965 to December 1966. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns, Manila, Hong Kong, Keelung, Kobe, Yokohama, Guam, Rabaul, Sydney, Melbourne.

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